Narrative: Group Project

So far my favorite idea that we came up with for our video is to specialize and focus in on the recycling portion of it. In the video we would explain how to recycle, where to find information on products to see whether or not they are
recyclable, and to incorporate tidbits of other useful information (currently brainstorming/exploring other important information).blog_recycle .jpg

A pro to doing this type of video would be to educate the audience on recycling practices. In our research we found people wanted more information on how to “Go Green” and this video would assist in that matter along with answering other topics people are interested in learning. To make this video relatable we are also going to hit the ethos, pathos and logos aspects of it.

Most importantly we are aiming to enlighten people on the importance of taking action the CORRECT way…simply saying that “I go green” is a phrase that is thrown around much more than it should be considering most people do not even make the proper daily decisions that support the most core ideas.

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